You're here to create ICONIC Impact
But the Imposter Complex may be getting in the way.

It's time to overcome your Imposter Complex and bring your dreams to life.
You may be doubting your capacity, feeling alone and isolated, unable to take action.
It's time you took control of your dreams. It's time you acknowledged your own success. It's time to claim the opportunities that present themselves, ask for the introductions, make the pitches, embrace the applause with full heart.
I can help.

As a coach, consultant, or leader struggling with the Imposter Complex:
You might be telling yourself that if you were “cut out for it” you’d have made it already…
You find yourself wanting to go for opportunities — then talking yourself out of taking the chance…
You feel like there is an invisible barrier keeping you stuck as your industry’s best kept secret…
And you know you’re undercharging but are afraid to raise your fees/rates for fear no one will pay…
Maybe you have things you feel called to say,
but your confidence plummets because you feel like it’s all been said before… by wiser, more experienced experts than yourself… or by younger, more savvy folx…
You’re so exhausted and overwhelmed by trying to make your mark
that you’re no longer enjoying the things you love doing and fear you’ve lost your edge…
It’s hard for you to celebrate success and growth
because it brings the fear that it's all a fluke or that you won't be able to sustain it…
And you feel like you’re not showing up as your best for ANYONE…
your clients, your family, your friends… your SELF and that maybe time is running out on your big dreams…
That's your IMPOSTER COMPLEX TALKING and its main goal is to keep you out of action.
But can you really afford to wait any longer?
Thankfully, your soul speaks louder. And you’re finally hearing it.
It’s time to answer your calling, your unique and exquisite and divine reason for being on the planet. The one YOU are singularly designed to manifest, bring forth, and share.