Ready Enough Podcast
Ready Enough is the podcast for exploring not only how the Imposter Complex gets in our way as high-achieving folx, but also how lived experiences of racism, sexism, colonialism, fat-phobia, micro-aggression, trauma, anxiety, chronic pain, alcoholism, and more leave us questioning our capacity to move forward.
My goal with Ready Enough is to help you navigate how your experiences are shaped by the Imposter Complex and also all of the systems of marginalization encountered. I also want to us all to see how others’ experiences are different from our own so that we can all work together and lift each other up.
I’ll be the first to admit these conversations will be imperfect. I’m still learning to recognize all the ways that my own experience limits my perspective.
The truth is: I’m nervous.
But one of my favourite things to remind myself and others is that when the Imposter Complex has us anxious and doubting ourselves, it’s because we’re embarking on work that truly matters.
And so, my hope is that we can learn together, recognize our imperfections, and continue to move forward to new tools and fresh understanding.
I’m ready enough.