ICONIC with the ICs

“You can’t spell ICONIC without IC…(dramatic pause)...twice” is one of my favourite bits of wordplay to drop in my teachings. Meaning, that the moment you decide that you are here to be ICONIC, the Imposter Complex is gonna come for you. 

Can you see that?

Leaky Boundaries

...and tries to keep you out of action, doubting your capacity, and alone and isolated.

And yet somehow, if you manage to push through and step in with your ICONIC self, you’re STILL not done with it because it sits at the end of the word, too, as you consider your next phase and stage.

Who do you think you are to move onto the next level?
You just got here because you got lucky, and now you want to jinx that by wanting MORE?
You’re greedy and selfish. It’s not safe. Stay where you are.

It’s exhausting. It really is. Trust me.

And while I would LOVE to say my work eradicates the IC, it doesn’t. Because as long as you are here to do your world-changing ICONIC work, the Imposter Complex WILL try to come for you. Coming and going.

But what my work DOES is help smooth out the curves. Helps with a faster recovery. Lets you know what exactly is going on so you can make better, more aligned decisions that have you in the driver’s seat, the director’s chair, or in the spotlight. Whatever you choose. And wherever you are supposed to be.

With action. With confidence. And with community.

Click here for my free training:

Five ICONIC shifts leaders use to overcome Imposter Complex.


50 Gifts to myself on my 50th birthday.


There she goes.