What’s your Brand of Joy?


As humans, we are all governed by the desire to feel good.

We’re all doing what we THINK we can do to get it, but our goals are often out of sync because we’re not clear on what IT is, much less what comprises it or how to get it. 

It’s why we prefer to eat sweet or salty foods, why we seek out thrills and adventures, why we have sex, why we fill our homes with creature comforts. 

Sometimes those external ways of feeling “good” can become detrimental, even turn into addictions. They are surface pleasures only. But when we discover the emotion that we’re craving underneath those physical pleasures, it can become our north star.

I call that emotion, that north star, your Brand of Joy. 

My Brand of Joy is JOY. And it’s what I seek in everything I do. My work, my relationships, my clients.  Other people call it something else: vitality, freedom, success, love, passion, magic...

When you can name your Brand of Joy, you can truly use it as your north star to calibrate everything in your life from your relationships to creating offers in your business; from aligning your environment around you to deepening your rituals and practices; from choosing a way to move your body every day to choosing where you will vacation this year. 

It’s also the first tool in your toolbox for dismantling the Imposter Complex. The Imposter Complex wants to keep you alone, doubting, and out of action — but when you feel any of these things, you can turn to your Brand of Joy to help you see the path forward. And you may have heard of “Imposter Syndrome,” but this is why I use “Imposter Complex” instead.

From that place of joy, I know how to overcome obstacles. How to conquer my inbox before vacation. What to create for dinner. What to say YES to… and what to say NO to.

My inquiry is always: how can this be more joyful?

And when that's too big, I root into what underpins it for me.

For me — and for everyone — there are values that lead to that Brand of Joy. For me, they are my values of connection, gratitude, and generosity.

So when I struggle to see how to make a thing, a moment, a challenge more joyful, I shift to looking at my values: How can I feel more connected? Grateful? Generous?

And then I know the way forward

When it's not aligned with my Brand of Joy, it's not aligned with anything.

You have your own brand of what I call joy. Maybe it's devotion. Or freedom. Or ease. Or flow. Or expanded. Or success. Or love. Or beauty. Once you know what it is, it will inform EVERYTHING if you let it (and you should).

Brand of Joy is the First Leg of the Journey

I know that Unshakable Confidence is a three-legged stool, and the three legs are Integrity, Presence, and Action.

Of the three legs, we begin with Integrity, so that we can start with a strong core and a strong foundation. Integrity is all about authenticity, obedience to your vision, and honouring your word. 

You know this for yourself: Every time we don’t show up as our Authentic Selves, we are out of Integrity. Every time we waiver on doing the things that move us closer to claiming our desires, we are out of Integrity. Every time we make and break a promise to another — or to OURSELVES — we are out of Integrity. 

And every time we are out of Integrity, we erode our confidence just a bit more.

(See how that works?)

The first step to understanding, claiming, and stepping into your Authentic Self is to understand your Brand of Joy. It becomes the north star that allows you to navigate anything that comes your way.

When you know your Brand of Joy, you know yourself better, and you can more easily stay in alignment and Integrity. 

Finding Your Brand Of Joy

Time for you to see what your unique Brand of Joy is.

Watch this video and follow along to begin to uncover your unique Brand of Joy.

Click here for my free training:

Five ICONIC shifts leaders use to overcome Imposter Complex.


What if the Other Shoe Wasn’t About to Drop?


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